Dancing in the Street? La France and SAMOHI
My son takes French at SAMOHI, as part of a cultural excellence only SMMUSD can provide. He has a thirteen-year-old female penpal in Bordeaux, which is in the southwest of France. I know girls get curious about the birds and the bees earlier than boys; if you saw Juno you know exactly what I am talking about. Actually, right after sucker moms and dads voted for more money for the Santa Monica-Malibu USD , administrators again got a raise. Teachers got the fuzzy end of the stick as Marilyn said in Some Like It Hot. They keep the bathrooms filthy as a sex abstinence practice. It takes a lot of urge to go to the toilet at SAMOHI. Certaily not in Dr. Hugo Pedroza's office.
The penpal asked him if he liked la Tecktonik. Is that a nerd's drink? Tech with tonic? Naw, dudes and dudettes. Check it out. To me it looks like a version of USA hip-hop danced without soul by bisexual teens without rhythm, rhyme or sense. It started in September, according to the first YouTubes posted. It's performed in the streets once a week by boys with boys and girls with girls. The dance also borrows the aggressive mock punches and karate moves of punk rock dance back in the 80s.
It's popular in bigger centers of France: Paris, Lyon, Lille, Nice. It's popular with the 15-25 years of age group. Sarko-Fasho would call them voyous.(bums)
They remind me of a remark made by a shrink who was my student of English in Brazil. "Nordic people don't have sex. They practice calisthenics."
I leave here a couple of samples and ask you if you think this dance will take on here in the USA. Yes, No, Maybe? Just curious (Yellow) Inside joke for baby boomers. That was an interesting movie. BTW, some updates on Oscar© in Universo Anárquico®'s top post. Just click on the links and see what gives. I was happy the Oscars were distributed around the runners. Did you see javier Barden and his mamma? I know, I KNOW! (Craig Ferguson intonation there.)