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    April 30, 2008

    A Blast from the Past

    in fact, I learned this technique to teach it to  children in the days a double-edge razor was okay for kids to have. It's Crayola®, covered with ink of China, I think that is its name in English. After dry, we can scrape it or draw on top of the dried paper. I wasn't on drugs at all. As the cartoon John Lennon says in "The Yellow Submarine" film,

    "It's all in the mind, you know?"

    For more on Os Mutantes psychedelic rock and news click here and add the site to your bookmarks. Keeping my mind busy at the sound of "I'm Fixing a Hole."


    April 28, 2008

    Os Mutantes - Their Seeds Take Over São Paulo


    http://attu.typepad.com/universo_anarquico/2008/04/mutantes-depois.html Abra(clique) para baixar a nova canção d'Os Mutantes para a galera Mutantes nova.

    April 25, 2008

    Os Mutantes Later - A New Band and MP3

    Many of you will recognize the faces of the band that performed since London's Barbican in 2006 to so many crowds of older and younger fans of Os Mutantes psychedelic rock tinged with a Brazilian sound. Here is a photo of the band as it is now, with a bonus MP3 for download; feel free to pass it around and post it in your blogs. Click on the photo to enlarge, if you wish. Will the MP3 work?  Let's check it out. Center wearing a top hat, Sérgio Dias, his Regulus guitar, next to him "Dinho" Leme, seminal Os Mutantes members.


    Download MutantesDepoisFinalMix.mp3 (12106.2K)

    November 10, 2007

    News on Os Mutantes - For Real

    Sometimes it pays to be an expat as they say in some blogs.  This morning I wrote about an idea for a post on the schism between black and Indie music.
    It is hard for bands to show resilience without dropping like flies for all different reasons: boredom, new religions, new diets, who knows?

    The bad news birdie told me is that Os Mutantes won nothing in the Latin Grammys in Vegas.

    The good news is the formation of the band for its new repertoire:

    Liminha, whose career as a producer was great is back with the band. He goes by Arnolpho Lima Filho as a producer. I saw him here in Greater Los Angeles as a producer of Os Titãs, which is a great São Paulo band, one other 80s implosion.
    He was bass player in 1971 on, skilled and incredibly handsome. Aw, shuddup already.

    Karina Zeviani is the invited singer. She comes from Thievery Corporation and Nouvelle Vague.

    • Now it's time for me to touch base with Nialler 9, whose competence in fusion of styles and talents is much more developed than my own.

    October 05, 2007

    Os Mutantes - Arnaldo Baptista - The Catalizer

    Tina Oiticica and her fancy words: catalizer.
    [kay-t'-LIE-zr]  The one that can transform water into vapor is _ _ _ _ _ Yes! Catalysis is made thru the inspirer, the aggregator, the transformer. Arnaldo Dias Baptista  the liaison between his mate and his li'l brother, Sérgio.
    How difficult it is to write about someone who seemed happy to be in Los Angeles only a week after his 59th birthday. I was moved, pressing flesh with Dinho, Arnaldo and Sérgio after not having seen them for decades.  The El Rey Theater, Los Angeles, crowded with all age groups and  peoples.Arnaldotinavirunduns

    Os Mutantes are now 60 on December 31, Rita Lee.  59 on July 6, Arnaldo, Dinho must be pushing 50+ and Sérgio will be 56  December 1 this year.  They are from São Paulo, I was from Rio. I am 55, July 9.

    Sometime this week  I wrote an Anon. quote. Today, in this sketch of the mutable Arnaldo, I want to add a link whose article changed my view on psychiatry forever.

    As Professor Idelber Avelar advises people who don't know English, here is a chance to learn it from a babe fluent in English.  It's an article from the NY Times on neurotransmitters.
    Genes and addictive behavior. Dr. Nora Volkow was introducing her notion, which I buy, that it's all a matter of biochemestry and genes.

    Continue reading "Os Mutantes - Arnaldo Baptista - The Catalizer" »

    October 01, 2007

    Os Mutantes - Geriatric Rock ? That's Me!

    I'm 55.  Rita Lee will be 60 on December 31.  Arnaldo Baptista turned 59 in July.  Sérgio is 55. We are part of what Rita herself called geriatric rock. Os Mutantes, the rock bridge along history.
    A friend who belongs to the Dylan generation boasted she took care of her body. True. and? uhn-hun? So?

    Mine is the contrary of an herbalife© infomercial.  I was so  cutie pie thin.  I'd like to believe I'm still a cutie pie.  A big round oatmeal smart cookie.
    We have had our contretemps. Arnaldo Baptista's presence on stage is no short than a miracle. Rita Lee herself talks about her inner demons.  I flipped and got committed to an asylum. No lobotomy; just electric shock treatment. Seven treatments and woke up. Sid Barret wasn't  so lucky.

    We are scarred but saved by the music we dig and make. Loki.  Rock exorcises us. (I'm gonna run and TM this before the evangelicals co-opt it.)

    What about our siblings and family?  Misporah05 Arnaldosergio

    Continue reading "Os Mutantes - Geriatric Rock ? That's Me!" »

    Os Mutantes - Who Is Rita Lee?

    I realize October 1 is today.  I was going to lie down as I have a back ache from some stress and lack of ergonomics.  When older not all our memories are perfect.  The Rita Lee LP cover that inspired Barbican's poster,see below, is 1979, no cover or music available except in her site. Rita_1979Lança Perfume, arguably her most famous pop song is 1980. The key points to multi-faceted Rita Lee are, I guess, the fatal attraction, the ills of rock society -- if you are suicidal you're kewl, as in Kurt Cobain.  The à la Nelson Rodrigues made-up quote of mine "Suicide, AIDS, depression, acting crayzola, and ANA-MIA are the modern illness chic du jour in rock culture, as TB was in the heyday of Dumas fils and romantic movement."  Rita Lee was sandwiched in between brothers, skilled musicians, the girlfriend of Tropicalia.  She played novelties and is creative.  A beautiful blue eyed Anglo-Italian for a brown Brazil.  Being a Mutante wasn't enough already in 1970. Fame hungry? A need to assert a talent she displayed individually only with the collaboration of mate Arnaldo Baptista?  A befuddled teen, Sergio refused to participate in this pop adventure (Build Up-1970) which added nothing to Os Mutantes mystique. Or was it her need to be a songstress on her own, a pop-rock one.  Sometimes less is more.

    A solo career for Rita is an iffy one, aided by Gilberto Gil, never quite solo as she is many in one, ravished by drug use and a relationship with Arnaldo Baptista, still her musical producer and keyboardist in Build Up, then Tutti Frutti , her R& R greats and the realization of a longtime dream -- To be a pop chanteuse (songstress) with a younger husband and co-leader of the band, Roberto de Carvalho.  I haven't seen Rita Lee since the 1972 days of "turn on, tune in and drop out" in Brazil.  March 1972.  We didn't click then as we had before and never ran into each other again.

    E-mail contact thru her website has eluded me.  Her voice, a great match to the "boys" is changed. She had a wider range to her contralto.  It seems to me both Arnaldo and Rita, once mates, lived a "The Woman Next Door" rapport: ni sans toi, ni avec toi.

    Sergio Dias'
    ten years abroad helped him cut the li'l brother syndrome and establish his cred in his own right.  It is a pity the original Os Mutantes are no more.  And yet, despite self-destructive assertions, the magic continues with new band members.  Thursday  Os Mutantes keep the magic, in studio, recording their new formation. mutatis mutandis.  The Poet Laureate, Paulo Henriques Britto, advises me on band personalities, "Remember Lennon-MacCartney and 'All you did was Yesterday.' "

    What do you think? Say something.  I want to include a video of Rita Lee, whose pop-rock penchant was irresistible and in hindsight predictable since 1970. Rita is fragile in her multiple selves and modes. I remember her best rock here.  And her utmost pop here. Later, Arnaldo Dias Baptista.

    September 29, 2007

    Os Mutantes - Review of Solo Careers - Sérgio Dias

    After Os Mutantes disbanded I saw Sérgio Dias once; in July 1986.  It was a dark club, Jazzmania, in Arpoador, Ipanema.  Two friends witnessed one more of my Forrest Gump moments. I had bought his 1980 LP, which I have, in LP. Jazzmania was dark, it reeked of distilled uísque and cigarros.
    Yesterday I was checking on the status of blogrolls, the list of links of sites and blogs in both Universo Anárquico and its li'l brother, Anarchic_Universe.  In 1986, Sérgio Dias was no longer the li'l brother.  We weren't teens, we were very assertive thirty-four adults.
    Early this morning I was thinking on what to blog and noticed a NEW! next to his site on our blog.  I opened it and explored it more carefully.  It puts to rest for once and for all any of alleged reasons Os Mutantes regrouped.
    In it there are all the solo recordings of his career.  They can be listened to at a click. His co-writers include Caetano Veloso and Nélson Motta.  I have the Sérgio Dias 1980 and went to Jazzmania, its CD just now released.  The voice is unscathed, young, pretty much the same melodious Sérgio, a non-smoker.
    Enjoy the clever arrangement of the site, and the coming up -- Os Mutantes, getting into a Sony studio October 1, Barbican being released in mid-November, the DVDs and double CDs, by wizard David Byrne's label.
    http://www.sergiodias.com.br/ You'll travel with Os Mutantes magic once again in his solo career. They all carry it within. The Barbican Centre very kindly let me use the "Tropicália" poster of the event that amazed us all, live in "Tecnicolor."Tropicalia_barbican_london Rita Lee had become a grandmother and sent Arnaldo and Sérgio off with Zélia and her blessings.
    Once more, let wagging tongues rest.

    Next, Rita Lee Jones de Carvalho, the  oldest of the unforgettable teens who forged the best Brazilian  sound,solo or as Os Mutantes.  I guess the Barbican poster of 40 years of Tropicália should show Rita Lee was expected, not ejected.  Lastly, Arnaldo Baptista, whose site has some kewl surprises for all. In a live get together, Sérgio Dias featured in the third minute, Rita Lee and Sérgio Dias playing in a Globo Festival circa 1985, "O Vírus do Amor," by Rita Lee and Roberto de Carvalho. Enjoy!

    September 22, 2007

    Os Mutantes - A Bridge Along Generations

    Please see updates below

    Here is Tina Oiticica, your rocking-chair rocker, speaking as a follower of a timeless band, Os Mutantes.

    The regrouping of Os Mutantes em 2006  was announced to me on line by a Paulistano kid. Today the band shows itself to be an indestructible bridge between the 1960s and century XXI.  Their performance at the Barbican last year moved me to tears.  I know it'll be released in a beautiful double CD and DVD here in the USA through nearly omniscient-musico David Byrne's label, in mid-November, 2007.
    Os Mutantes in the 1960s had festival followers, had a play, "Planeta dos Mutantes" at Rio's Teatro Casa Grande, where I sat with a few others Thursday thru Sundays, and Som Livre Exportação, a TV show in which I snuck in. This show was where Globo set the stage for  Caetano Veloso's show back from London exile. That was my first of many brushes with the wizard of words.

    The only era when I have seen Os Mutantes playing for dedicated audience, full house, folks 18 to 81, was last year and this one on YouTube.

    Live, after forty years: July 13, 2007 at the El Rey, in Los Angeles.
    And that was when I met Dinho, Arnaldo and Sérgio. Again.  The photos are here, just look for the set. Flickr,

    It was magic in the air. Os Mutantes create magic in the air; magic for me, an eye-witness of forty years, magic for the kids who fall under their spell. Nelson Rodrigues, my favorite playwright and phrase maker, would generate a sentence such as, "Even alone with the goat chewing grass on an empty lot, they would atract followers: yesterday's and forever."

    Os Mutantes, with Sérgio and the musicians that have played with them since Barbican 2006, sans Rita Lee Jones de Carvalho, sans Zélia Duncan, who participated in the collective Mutante trance in 2006-2007, sans Arnaldo Baptista, whose plans differ now, Os Mutantes are.

    Os Mutantes transcend formations of the band. That is the message I would like to convey to you; it's how I feel about them. Os Mutantes that will enter Sony's studio to record in October, today's Os Mutantes, will present Os Mutantes songs. These are songs I await waving enthusiastically my imaginary fan club card in the air.

    I am sure they have remained "Os Mutantes" in their essence.  We chatted in Los Angeles like friends who had been together just yesterday. Dinho, Arnaldo and Sérgio. We change, we mature and we remain faithful to whom we are, to ourselves, "Os Mutantes" in essence. 

    No dream it was. I saw the show at the El Rey, Los Angeles.  Therefore, it's not a dream and it's not over. Besides the  mutanting intrinsic quality the band has, it is ours. And it will be ours.  Atmospheric. Hallucinating. Its fans mutantes.  It is and will be Os Mutantes for all.


    August 31, 2007

    News on Os Mutantes

    Os Mutantes have been nominated for the Latino Grammy Awards in two categories:
