Green Day - Gutter Punks- Your Child Could Become One
Green Day's American Idiot song, released in 2004, remains tops in describing the pathology involving our society. American Idiot the album portrays American families with teens or twenty-somethings under their broken wings. American Idiot the album seems to have been the first recording of the struggle of an American lower middle class single parent family with a reality of doom for high school drop-outs. Nowadays there are no jobs even for college graduates. The appeal of the album is universal as unemployment strikes the world thru globalization.
Some say Billie Joe Armstrong spent a couple of weeks roaming around the Bay Area to catch the vibe for this touching depiction of our youth while others see a touch of autobiography in the creation of Jesus of Suburbia, Saint Jimmy, and What's-Her-Name.
The album portrays social phenomena referred to as ghetto punks(the poor regardless of color), or gutter punks. The latter are younger than ever, ten year-olds, roaming the streets, highly self-destructive and hopeless.
There's not much new in depicting the lost children of broken homes. Axl Rose did it in "Mr. Brownstone", a song about addiction and abandoned buildings on Western Avenue, next to Holywood. I remember seeing the children, tattooed and drugged, roaming Hollywood Boulevard. Before that, others, such as Allen Ginsberg, lamented the fate of our youth albeit in a different context.
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