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    September 03, 2007

    Coffee, Blogging, What's Up? Tarde - PHBritto

    Hello there! Call me an addict. I know I am addicted to my Starbucks French roast coffee. It's the closest I can get to Brazil. Bourbon Santos is perfumed, for export only. French roast, its subtle bitter-acid taste is cut for my wake-up call.

    I saw a really pretty B&W photo in the Brazilian blog Pensar Enlouquece. Check it out. Starbucks again.

    I await the aborrecente, a compound of aborrecer, verb meaning to upset + the cente of adolescente. He takes his time in the shower, still has school work for Wednesday, and Daddee sleeps.

    Below there are two topics of your choice plus Links. One is a two-post example of how to teach or learn listening comprehension using a well-known film clip.

    The other is a contest, just for fun. There is a Flickr set in my URL. Use three of the photos to make up a journal blogging type post. The C+V text, C+V Text, C+V Text. The winners will get a little something plus they'll be published here. Mark Cullen is a pretty good writer. Did you like his poem in Links of the Day? Seth A. and Freaky Deaky are great writers.

    Now, with you, the Great Poet in my generation, the Poet Laureate, I call him; Paulo Henriques Britto, the winner of the 2004 Portugal Telecom prize with Macau showing you his English poetry writing.

    Continue reading "Coffee, Blogging, What's Up? Tarde - PHBritto" »

    June 17, 2007

    Books: Grab 'em Fast

    Three books were intriguing enough to make me feel like reading them.  One was a book lamenting nowadays Net written by a Jurassic Netperson.

    The other was Ulysses, tons of links to it right here, in O Biscoito Fino e a Massa.  I never got around to reading it, to the despair and sadness of the Poet Laureate.

    The other one is a must. It's about  A.D.D.  the syndrome plaguing so many kids.  I'll get it out for you.  At Amazon.com

    Just a comment of a reader who felt empowered to deal with the burro-crats at school districts made me feel good about it.  I have a Gift Certificate for 25 dollars, so a few more dollars will get me there.

    Other than that, I feel somewhat sad Phil Spector won't be remembered for the music he created.  He himself admitted to be schizophrenic.  So maybe that's how he heard the "wall of sound" in his head? There is a book on him with nothing new ;P))

    I hope to see your happy faces straight from MyBlogLog. The site is a little too frantic ;however I got to know a few great bloggers.  The Thinking Blog is already in the top 200 of technorati.com!

    See you when I see you!

    May 28, 2007

    Utopia v. Dystopia

    This is a summarized version of today's post at Universo Anárquico. I know I should have gone to the beach.  How could I go to the beach after seeing this in the LATimes?  I never knew we had an Arlington West in Santa Monica.

    Utopia and Dystopia go hand in hand.  A Utopia is a fantasy world in which everything is perfect. A dystopia is a society where things go wrong.  Utopia-dream/dystopia-nightmare.  Generally dystopias are placed in the future.

    The most famous ones, for my generation, are:

    • Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley.  A dystopia in which people are engineered genetically, there is no sex, but lots of soma, a feelgood drug.  Things go wrong when one Alpha whose mother was a runaway, and had sex,  goes ...

    • Nineteen-eighty-four, by  George Orwell.  I saw the movie and many years later read the book.  In this dystopia everybody is in a permanent state of paranoia. There is a war nobody knows much about.  Big Brother is watching through the telly at all times.  Winston falls in love, uh-oh.  Doesn't this one sound familiar?

    • Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, which goes quite well with Truffaut's film.
    Ray Bradbury explained how the first seed was planted when he was walking in the San Fernando Valley, in Los Angeles.  The seed was a short story, The Pedestrian. I read it at age thirteen.  It is here:

    The Pedestrian

    I will write about the paranoid Phillip K. Dick, whose work Hollywood loves.

    And then about William Gibson, the Cyberpunk creator, whose Neuromancer is coming up.

    I'll be back!

    May 17, 2007

    I Was About to Plug a New Book on Os Mutantes When...

    Award_2 The link for Os Mutantes book, in Portuguese, is in my Universo Anárquico. Ever since Alexandre Inagaki, the excellence in blogger writing, wrote about Ilker Yoldas a few days ago, I wanted to find out if it was a he or a she.  The name is Turkish. Ilker is a blogging phenomenum.  In a few months, with a very well-designed blog, little give away toys for bloggers, Ilker became a top ranking blogger.  The doubt till yesterday, when  I searched Google for Ilker first name gender Turkish, and found out it was a male name.

    In LogMyBLog, where bloggers add blogs galore to their "community," I found Ilker.  Both The Thinking Blogger award created in February and LogMyBlog are based on memes, somewhat.  After the Thinking Blogger Award has gone around the world, something else will come up.

    I posted my findings on Ilker's blog yesterday.  When  I went back to check it out there was a maybe yes, maybe not answer from Ilker.  After a cordial mail exchange with a polished person, fluent in Portuguese, English, and who knows how many laguages, Ilker Yoldas send me a link about the not-so-secret revelation.  The Thinking Blog, authored by Ilker, is visually appealing, posts daily, and gives away small token gifts or bigger ones.  The blog is a phenomenum in its exponencial growth. Havinf traveled all over the world, Ilker has master the necessary diplomatic skills and languages to survive and rule in the blogosphere.

    While writing about Os Mutantes, Paulo Henriques Britto's work translated into English, the Lost Angeles Times, I got mail from Ilker. and a comment, which was nice. If only more people would say, "Good job, biatch," I would feel happier about this blog.

    I'm not crazy about aggressive/insensitive humor. However, the suspension of two DJs for laughing at a joke on sex acts among public figures is quite unsusual.  Today I saw a mother crying over a Spangled Banner draped coffin. Big color photo on the upper cover of the LosT Angles Times. Wolfowitch received severance pay and resigned.  Median home price in L.A. county?
    540 K.  Food and gas went up.

    Amazon.com wants to pop its cherry in the MP3 business.  Apple is da bomb. Fuggeddaboutit.

    Amazon says she will let it up to user on copying music. Umm, in these 1984ish days, I am not so sure.

    Finally, the immigration bill passed Senate.  It is quite selective, akin to Sarko-facho.  Mexico prudently pull back on the infamous war on drugs. They fear, and very rightly so, the soldiers would soon be corrupted by the druglords.