Our son, the apple of our eyes, couldn't read in second and barely do so in third grade. His writing was illegible. In fourth grade he got a curvaceous young teacher, who promised to do this and that and more. I was skeptical. Rarely do teachers get to the end of the 400+ pages books. These are designed by region, no by state. It's mandatory to spend your taxpayer money to ditch perfectly fit books in order to adopt new ones. Each one of these books costs US taxpayers thru the District of Excellent baloney about seventy dollars.
Gabriel has grown to be sixteen, with an IQ too high for his own good, and services of Specail Ed. denied, not once but twice. SAMOHI's psychologist thanked us for giving her something to do. You see, the Special Ed federal law changed under Wise Guy, L'Imbecile. It excludes executive disorders, and A.D.D. is one of them.
So, in 2005 the School District hired Tim Walker out of Glendale for him to refuse service to special ed. kids. We almost hired a law firm, A to Z, in the Palisades. When the sent us their draft, with our child's name written Antoine, we ditched them and nearly had to re-invent The Sopranos in order to collect part of our one-grand retainer.
We were able to talk to an assistant to Tim Walker a few times, Dr. Michael Jason. In the meantime Tim Walker, no Ph.D. , continued his brilliant career into a promotion of vice-superintendent of ed. services. SMMUSD is so bloated with highly-paid adminstrators that the service which once fit in a trailler, ed. services, was split in two: ed. services and student services. Try calling over there; you'll get voice mail at most hours. And now they're up to firing teachers.
During his years of excelent service to kids and parents, Tim Walker gave the directives to buy the silence of parents and kids whcut a deal with Excellent-Schmecellent SMMUSD. Our son, in the meantime had all kinds of paid help, which were useless to him. An outside psychologist for 1, 600 dollars to test him; another one Lynn Kilroy, who excused herself from showing up at the crucial meeting at SAMOHI, "My daughter is entering SAMOHI next year."
And a study skills guy with some doctorate, no money no honey. His psychiatrist, whom I fired. I got to change my address book.
So, since General Westmoreland claimed, "The secret of liberty is eternal vigilance," we watch our child, we must organize his papers, we must run the show. Some teachers at SAMO, in the name of teaching independence of kids, don't let us know they're failing. I am not a child abuse or a molester. I have never been one of them. By golly, I'll be darned. It all started when I got nominated Teacher of the Year for my school. There was a witch hunt lead by a principal who was the superintendent's darling, she was forced to resign, I didn't make a move for her demise. She went by three last names in one year. Demestre, Cudeiro, and Nelson, the Ph.D.'s last name who helped her get a master's at Harvard, targeted toward minorities. But she is from Spain. Well, tha is a story for some other day.
"And that is the end of that," as Forrest Gump would say. SAMOHI is two schools in one. The dummy track and the AP track. Think harder next time the district asks for more money, won't you?
Read SMMUSD 's statement below, after our anarchic_universe delcious links, whose hypocrisy flies back and forth. As Daddy would say, in his lingo, "The wind blew and the s**t flew."