We should have realized our child wouldn't be ready for college by the end of twelfth grade. A post in newcritics , click to read it, inspired me to follow suite. No, it's not his intelligence. His IQ is higher than that of 99.9% of his peers. He just isn't ready.
I suspected he had ADD since his second grade. The testing showed he didn't qualify for Special Ed. services. When you have a Halloween baby, maybe it's best to keep the child one year behind. The year s/he gained at the primary K-5 levels becomes an unattainable spot in the horizon at high school graduation time.
The work at SMMUSD's Special Ed. is questionable, to say the least. Just go a few posts below and you will find the article from the Santa Monica Daily Press on parents whose silence was bought in
exchange for services of Special Ed. Click, please to read article.
I am very tired, which is natural, after having had a hydrocephalus surgery for the insertion of a shunt. To make matters worse, some Brazilian bloggers are intent on a flame war against me. I'm signing off here, with a photo from Flickr of what we call a Sperm Light. I'll be back. Fer sher.