I received a phone call yesterday about these horrible sex acts; later on I received a link to the list of SAMOHI-Pals, the same group that did nothing when my son was attacked in the middle of the night last year.
This is the link to the message board. Somebody copied it for me:
A Smartie Pants girl gave her Mom the printout she received in her e-mail, but destroyed the e-mail. There goes the IP and other possible information. What there is, my son told me, is a sh*t list of students and sexual acts they may have or not been part of.
He also adds that the Knitting Circle always has to blow everything out of proportion. Please, no double entendre. For women who have had sex to go hysterical to the point of not being able to print the C word or the BF word, or the BJ word or the 69 # and so on is totally ridiculous, considering most grew up in freer days than today.
Furthermore, it's the CEO's job, and that is Dr. Hugo Pedroza, to go after whodunnit. And the job of da police and other staff on campus. My job is to make sure my kid understands he keeps his bite in his pants and his buns to himself. Follow the lyrics. We learned about this song by YELLE, "I want to see you jetstream/shoot in your apron." There were other words foreign to me, like Krunk, but that is used in Oakland, CA.
Naturally, I am against cyber-bullying and it's horrible to see your kid's name on a shit-list published anonymously. However, this same crowd voted YES on RR, believing in SMMUSD's excellence. Live with it. What world do you live in?
Anyone who has seen Juno? Everyday there are links here to illuminate folks about my issues. Cybercrime is one of them. SMMUSD is another.
Let's face it, if thirteen-year-olds are having sex in a movie, in Rio for real and I know this for a fact, in France, what would they be doing in hedonistic Santa Monica by Route 66? Just pray for tecktonik and its asexual posture. The dirty bathrooms technique to keep SAMOHI from sexual activity seems not to have worked. Oh, well, there are other ways. Check this out. Be merry. Tomorrow will be a good day in America. My mother will be 88. She was so beautiful. A devout Catholic; if there is a heaven, she'll be there. If I were to believe in her my name is MAria Cristina for a reason. I was born thru Immaculate Conception, which makes my son Jesus. But I chose Gabriel, instead ,and life goes on. Without birds or bees, BTW. "Route 66" sending some warmer weather to my oldest links in blogging, my mentor, Seth A. owner of B12 Solipsism. I hope Freaky Deaky is having a blast with all the snow in Freakytopia.net. He is my other oldest link in Blogsville. Have a happy evening and I hope you and I are back here for more tomorrow. Hey, I hope I am back, too. Actually, my son says the s*t list is one dissing the black students. Hey, Obama, here's a place for you to enact some change...(I hope)