Howdy, partner. I'll try not to sound so fer shur Californian. This was happenstance as I don't open blogs these days, I have been kind of unwell and busy about my private life, I'm sorry about that.
I had just gone to my Google News page, realized the flares are blazing and our travails are treated as if they were show business.
Check this old saw in the Daily Kos. I told you I am running behind.
Unpatriotic Californians.
As very patriotic Ronald Reagan, you know, the guy who brought down the Berlin Wall, all by himself, and Richard Nixon, whose presidential libraries are in unpatriotic Orange County, I hope this hopeless saw has at least an apology to us Americans in California. All of us born or not in beautiful America.
Later. I got to read for a while. On-line with big pictures.