What a fool I was to suggest we watch Bill Maher's show last night. I guess we do get out of touch when going on vacation. Hello, dear? Iraqis aren't promoting ethnic cleasing unless you are a believer who thinks Xiites are in the direct line of a descendant of the Prophet, or you are a Sunni who believes it is your lineage that merits the name of leaders of Muslims for the same reason: ancestry related to the Prophet.
Bill Maher, the best word is fraticide. Both Xiites and Sunni Muslims are the same people. I just wonder why this wonderfully left-wing program of Bill Maher's didn't mention genocide -- extermination en masse of (a) people(s). For oil. Or is the TV show really left-wing? Let's stretch, guys and dolls do our calisthenics at the sound of an under-appreciated band: The Jam. First post of a series. Good day!
That's Entertainment. The Jam. First, The Start, a beautiful, dynamic look at these guys in their best 80s garb.
I love the Jam. What a great band. THanks for the tubery.
Posted by: swanksalot | August 25, 2007 at 02:43 PM