Happy Blog Day to all, both readers and bloggers. A great feature of blogs is the interaction between readers and bloggers made possible through comments. I started using pre-approved comments in January because of juvenile spam.
Maybe the scars left by 21 years of rule by the Redentora military juntas in Brazil made other bloggers cringe at my decision in January. Although quite a few teen bloggers secretly erased a comment here and there, these young bloggers thought it was my Gringa paranoia the responsible for my decision.
Today, Blog Day, August 31, 2006, the most well-known blog in Brazil, Pensar Enlouquece, by Alexandre Inagaki, features a story about a blogger whose blog was shut down in 2004 by request to autorities made by a powerful person who didn't like a comment. The blogger was given a hefty fine, and the case is being appealed. ( my words.) Alexandre Inagaki, with his customary finesse, explains to his readers why he will have pre-approved comments.
I have gotten used to pre-approval, even to a system adopted by fellow Democrats who require username and password in order to read their blogs. At a time when most autorities don't understand the Internet and vandals take advantage of casual approaches of both big companies sponsoring blogs or relationship sites or casual comments of people who dare not be on the Net ... it is indeed better to be safe than to be sorry.
I wish a happy Blog Day to my fellow bloggers, readers, and I hope for more education among both the powers of enforcement and legislators around the world. I hope more and more people grown confident in surfing the Net. With care nobody can drown! Pick a baloon and celebrate!
A resourceful blogger makes some income so he can host his blog :P Click to enlarge, please.